Tuesday, May 1, 2007

How To Make Pokemon Deluge

- Part 1

create the good habit of positive thinking?
To understand clearly the relationship between our thoughts and our results it is interesting to perform the following exercise:
1 - Identify an area in your life where you think you do well
2 - Identify one aspect of your life you feel like a failure
Then, go to the mental images, beliefs or ideas you hold in both cases. You'll soon reach the conclusion that, on the one hand, the contents are mostly upbeat and positive, and on the other hand, lack this quality.
The reality is that "we become what we think," "we are the concrete manifestation of our deepest beliefs" and "our results are the same size as that of our ideas."
If we are selfish to think of our wins, he will have little success in our lives. On the contrary, if we imagine the good and positive generously to us then we will find, more easily, prosperity along our path. Master
Saint Germain says: "When the student understands that in which he connects his attention is adhered to, that becomes in itself or (in other words) he becomes that which concentrates in all the intensity that he used, you see the importance of keeping your attention away from all destructive in human experience. "
Hence the basic rule, this topic could be formulated as follows:
IN THE FIELD OF MENTAL POWER, THAT IN OUR THOUGHT THAT FOCUSES AND RECORDS (consciously or unconsciously) INCREASE AND MULTIPLY creating reality that inevitably will have to live.
Consequently, our words, our speech and our whole internal conversation reflect the type of thoughts that have been active in our minds.
Want to check it once more? Grab a paper and pencil and write the first thing that arises with the question: "how I identify more sentences?", "What words could describe the most characteristic aspects of my personality?", "How I usually qualify results? ". Re-read the beginning of this paper and establishes the relationship between your dominant thoughts and quality of your life.
If you arrive at the conviction that your life could be better, then you may consider to improve your thoughts right now. Give yourself permission to think positive and choose best ideas are going to burn in your mind because they are driving success for you.
conditions for installing this habit:
a) Pay special attention to how "we wrote" our thoughts. In this case it is to avoid starting the sentence with the word "NO" eg "I'm not afraid to ..." "I hate being sick / or each time ...." It is wise to replace this mode of expression, following the examples: "I want to feel secure or to ..." and "I want good health or decree for me always." This brings us to the next point.
b) Check that the image you are choosing truly expresses what is desired and not what is to be avoided. If, for example, felt rejected by excess weight reinforce the idea of \u200b\u200b"hate being fat or" will only perpetuate that condition. Instead, ask: "What is what I'm really trying to say?", "What is my true goal?" Us out of the dilemma. Here would be: "I like to look thinner". It happens often, not realizing that we appoint what is good / good for us and we adhere to a fight with what we dislike or limits; fight ends up becoming a "magnet unproductive over the same."
c) Finally, combining the idea in the present tense because that is where we lived continuously and where the energy has the power to manifest. Both the past and the future represent "absence." If we think the "forward" (ie I'll get a better job ... I will make more money ... etc. ") Energy also moves forward omitting their full performance in the present moment. Therefore, as the order is for another time the current result is the realization of loss. Therefore it is important to remember that the future is a direct result of this, ie according to the type of ideas we sow here and now in our mental archives of the future will be the quality that we "touch" live.

With these three lines of observation and training can begin debugging your circuit of thoughts and if you add continuity to your attempts to see how quickly begin to change many things in you and in your life.
At our next meeting will continue to present technical details to keep you easily create your best reality.
Infinite blessings of Universal Love.


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