Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Bang Brothers South Beach

Reconnecting with the

Reconnecting with the love through Reiki practice

all, once we had the opportunity to feel this inexplicable force that connects us with deep feeling welfare, harmony and fulfillment. We may have occurred by looking at the face of a baby as he slept peacefully, observing a dawn to hug a loved one, to find a highlight in the eyes of someone or to experience the blessing of what science calls a "miracle."
This presence which is so complex to explain, is what we are in essence, a permanent manifestation of energy flow we have learned to call LOVE. We are also part of a universal energy field that responds to a Supreme Intelligence, which has been known through history as God - All - Mind or Higher Consciousness.
why it is said that Reiki practice puts us in conscious contact with the divine spark that exists in every one of us and our atoms and cells, restoring the natural functioning of our entire physical body. Moreover, synchronized action allows us to complete our personal energy dynamics of universal intelligence.
Therefore, "Reiki" is the name given to a simple, straightforward and profound system of Natural Healing and Self-Healing to balance Mind, Body and Emotions. And to enhance innate and improve outcomes in different areas, raising the quality of our lives.
Modern physics has shown that, beyond the level of particles of dense matter, energy exists everywhere: in the air we breathe, water, sunlight, on apparently inanimate objects, animals and plants, etc.
The term comes from the Japanese language can be translated as "Universal Life Energy" in honor of the fact that THE VITAL ENERGY IS THE BASIS OF ANY POWER OF LIFE as a "food cosmic responsible for maintaining the cycles of birth, transformation and death of all that exists.
Reiki helps us to realize a fundamental truth again forgotten by man: We are all natural channels through which this supply flows continuously, thanks to him our body renews and sustains us alive and through it we can recover our health, beauty and youth.
Therefore, any manifestation of physical illness, lack of strength or desire to confront the tasks or relationships, a sense of emptiness, anxiety, fears, recurring ideas, among others, are a clear sign that disconnect has occurred on our energy source, and we have not found a way to restore it properly. To plot it in some way, it would be like a 100 w bulb shining finish as a 25 w with the risk of shutting down permanently.
Reiki helps us to repair, change, clarify all these messages, "symptomatic" and thus constitutes a tool that gives us our way of Evolution to the Light that we are in essence.
We can make conscious contact with this energy through various techniques: prayer, meditation, visualization, conscious breathing, as well as Reiki.
The Light that is the fabric of life can be, then, consciously channeled by man and applied through the laying on of hands at the first level and distance (at the other levels) to facilitate and promote healing (one himself or others) of physical disorders, emotional and mental, as well as the recovery of the intuitive capacity and development spiritual. Crowning
note today, I got them a poetic (though no less true) description of this system rebalancing and self-healing energy to meditating on the doors are open it back to the true reality of Being

"The Power of Love clarifies our thoughts, our emotions calm, reduces stress, relieves the body, joy fills our hearts, gives energy that is resistance, and removes all emotional states are the cause of many health problems. We experience this healthy flow of love when we allow love to flow from our heart and soul to others. This technique is, indeed, the science of love. Learn to love her without identifying the problems and personalities of others.
Our love will light a man to help him find his way. Our love will be sweet music that will appeal to the best that man has within himself. "(Torkom Saraydarian)


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