Monday, May 28, 2007

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In the present context is rapidly popularizing the term "Ascension." Let's see what it is. In general, growth. In particular it is a replacement of energy throughout the cosmos. ASCENSION
Ascender is to recognize our divine parent and remember who we really are.
individual ascension process is the necessary complement of the Planetary Ascension process that currently is happening on Earth. It is a natural transformation that happens in life of all the planets when they meet a cycle and should start in another. While this happens all the beings that inhabit the planet are necessarily conditioned by a new frequency of energy. All they have to adapt their energy systems in order to accompany this new movement within the cosmic evolutionary spiral and be part of "quantum leap."
As we are human beings who are aware of being an active part of this phenomenon, the planet can be assisted and supported for this change of energy state may occur in a more friendly and without great speed (cataclysms, tragedies or disasters of any kind)
Tune with higher frequencies of the Universal Energy to the human system means providing a greater amount of energy that behaves in an intelligent way to express the dormant potential in the membranes of all cellular structure of the physical body and balancing the feminine qualities - the soul male resulting in a perfect balance between body, mind and spirit.
expanded consciousness of humanity helps to anchor the new energy world promoting their journey to the next dimension.
Gaia is the Earth of the Fifth Dimension and requires a great expansion of man in Unity Consciousness. This means we begin to manifest in perfect health, abundance, harmony and inner peace as a natural style of integration with everything that Is
are, fortunately, many ways in which today we can activate our light bodies to raise the Sacred Pattern Perfection of Wisdom and Universal Mind and revitalize our original genetic code.
Are technical well-off as "Gaiadon THE HEART - HEART Gaiadon." Channeled teachings directly from the Source of Divine Wisdom in the higher planes, to help us exercise (activations) and initiatives to tune into higher octaves of energy, increasing our ratio of inner Light.
But if you just start to resonate this vision of reality, today I propose to ponder the words of a great Master of Light called Metatron, to further open your consciousness to a path of truth, inevitably, you're traveling. He says,
"These times in which they are living, have been called: The End of Time. This may well have been so beloved. While Gaia and its life forms near the end of a cosmic cycle, the choice was made. Should Gaia cleanse itself and start renewed through a divine cycle of destruction, or it was possible that could transform Gaia themselves and their lifestyles? Could align itself to a higher frequency in a softer way? Beloved, humanity made that choice, in communion with Gaia and animal and plant kingdom to dwell on it. "
listen to the voice of our heart to remember and power our task at this time. Open our minds to thoughts of Light, the belief and confidence that it is possible a more enlightened and facilitate the advancement of all to the dimension of Divine Love.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

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Create a recipe for better living ... IS HUMAN MIND POSSIBLE!

is an indisputable fact that we live in our thoughts, even when we do not notice it. Day and night ... our mind never rests in its task of circulating ideas fueling a kind of conversation that usually carry chronically "indoors."

face every situation that we live, to each object that appears to us, for people who live with us or who do not even know his name and an even greater extent, about ourselves inevitably activates views assumptions, concepts, reviews ... while moving emotions, in turn, are related circuits with new ideas, opinions, criticisms, etc.

Thus perpetuating a constant, and no less naive set of associations that are recorded in a sort of mental grid, due to the same internal dynamics.
Here is the source of our automatic or auto-repeat behavior.
happens that our left brain commonly called "rational brain" needs to understand the stimuli that constantly receives sensory input from different, to provide the individual with an adaptive response to such logic.
How does it? Qualify, qualify, explain and quantifies (among other things), ie, transforms all the information reach each other in words, associated concepts and then derive thoughts into action.
At best, we can "listen closely" the content is there but most of the time that internal conversation becomes like a "buzz" in the background, distant and confusing to our "ear conscious" and then the individual's behavior becomes a noise to his well-being.
The person begins to feel frustrated, dissatisfied, disoriented or out of focus "on what would truly feel, achieve or live. A frame
feeling of strangeness, as if their way of acting, reacting or feeling they were outsiders.
The person is not consciously aware of his thinking and much less that the ideational content is the engine of his own creations. Ignore, momentarily, that this information active in his mental program all depend on their results.
"How is this happening to me me, I've always wanted just the opposite?" "I wonder how I got here ..."
"I do not understand why things did not go as I really ..."
"It seems everything was against me ... "" all I have they try so hard ... every time I have less strength to keep fighting ... "
" I find the way to get feel better ... "(read:" stronger, calmer, happier, more successful, more independent, etc... ")
These are some of the most common ways that people often express when they have begun to recognize the need to practice some change for the benefit of themselves.

This moment of rethinking, in itself, the opportunity to reconnect to gain insight and learn of what is happening in the "kitchen of our minds active." That dis-ease we can help understand how thoughts were creating the recipe for our own lives and understand, finishing, why we can not help but feel dissatisfaction or displeasure about the results. To clarify the content
depths of our mental grid is the first step in establishing an open dialogue with ourselves and inevitably opens "the door to go play ..." a good game, nurturing and conducive to fulfillment we deserve.
Just as the architect needs to organize his thoughts attention to detail to make plans if you want your project a success in practice ... the man who wants to be successful in life project need to know in detail what is engraved in your mind map. If any concrete manifestation
always arises in the context of our thoughts to improve our results need to improve our ideas, transforming them into more specific concepts, goals (adjusted to reality) and optimistic. And this is something we can do forever.
Once we have learned to clarify the content of automatic (tics) repeated unintentionally in our "inner chatter" is to propose the following new results and, thus, effectively finding the right information to create them. Exit
distortions or failures of our system promotes a rational-logical cleaning deep in our files and basic commands.
trained in this task of spiritual renewal has a name: An update of mental programs that works because every human being is part of nature.
Therefore, the downgrade is causing discomfort, in each case is manifested in different ways but can never labeled as a disease.
The use of a trained professional can maximize the capacity of consultant to carry out successfully the process of change, minimizing the time of its actual realization.
is only a matter of allow us to develop our best recipes in mind and make them grow better menu our daily lives.

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simple program to easily achieve relaxation

revolutionized In today's times are, increasingly, more needed to overcome stress, bring peace of mind and expand our ability to enjoy a harmonious life.
Fortunately, we are within our reach countless disciplines, skills and resources to do something about it.
generally associate relaxation with the disruption of our daily routines, such as holidays, leave and holidays, but just learn to relax when we apply our will to create us new specific routines designed to facilitate this natural state of every human being.
Yes, because all we have, by nature, the potential for balanced integration of body, emotions and mind. Then, when we use our potential we consciously allowed to reach a state of optimal health in our physical body and a feeling of well-being in our world of thoughts and emotions.
In this way we're training for that relaxation is part of our way of being in the world and can count on a positive footing from which to walk out the various challenges and learning that each day offers us.
Wondering if you need to do something, at this time to relax and overcome stress? If the list is familiar and can tick at least, 6 of the total of the items ... then the answer is a resounding YES.
- Frequent headaches
generalized fatigue and heaviness -
Insomnia - Irritability or crankiness frequent
- Joint pain
- Lack of concentration
- Memory Failure
- Feeling of anxiety, depression or
impotence - Little or no sense of humor
- Pessimism
- Lack or excess of appetite
- Diarrhea or
nervous constipation - stomach acidity or oppression
- Acceleration of the pulse or palpitations
Breathing difficulties - cramps, numbness or tingling in extremities
Decreased sexual desire - Lack of motivation to undertake the tasks

While each person
express their own way of stress symptoms in all cases these signs may at the physical, mental and behavioral disorders. These signs can appear exclusively on one level or affect the other levels simultaneously or successively, as a string of ill-being.
If the stress is detected and repaired in the short term, it manages to stop this chain signal. Otherwise, the situation gradually worsens and can lead to extreme situations, where even unwittingly get in the game of life.
Against this background, we have easy ways to operate (not to consult, of course, the doctor when it comes to physical conditions). Among them, the following program:

§ a few minutes per day to remain lying in a place that is pleasant, warm and calm, making sure not to be interrupted during this period. We can choose a soft music to help create the climate of détente (music of dolphins, waterfalls, sea-sounds of mantras sacred bells, Gregorian chants or classical music). §
conscious breathing exercise, focusing on how air enters and leaves the nose and sending "mentally" the air to every part of the body with the express intention of renewing cells, tissues, organs and current systems of life (energy) flowing in each respiratory cycle. §
Collapse intensely throughout the body for a few seconds and then relax all the muscles relax watching area by area, starting from the feet to end in the head (throat, jaws, muscles face, eyes and scalp.) §
Finally, imagine a situation, activity, place or condition that is pleasant and reassuring us, for example, walking along the shore of a lake or hugging a loved one / take a bath / watch the horizon, etc.. And keep that image a few minutes observing especially our way of being in that scene (detail mentally best expression of our faces: smile, eyes, beauty, freshness, and all I really want for us as a result. Do the same with body expression, vitality, form, posture, movements, aesthetics, etc). Emphasize that image FEELING IS AND WE ARE OR ARE . In this way we are sowing the seeds of what would later be revealed to us in our reality because the Vital Energy is on track to offer you the mind through the formulation of our intentions, thoughts, and beliefs orders. §
Finish this program bringing both hands to the heart (right over left) in a gesture of appreciation for the permission that we have come to connect with our essence and release the healing power that comes from the higher dimension our BE .

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Benefits of Meditation to everyone

both psychology and medicine, at present, have shown that the assiduous practice of meditation promotes physical relaxation, decreased stress The concentrative attention span and brain, good memory performance, development of creativity, releasing negative emotions like anger, anguish, fear and the increased power of positive emotions such as joy, tolerance love or understanding. Meditating
occurs a phenomenon that could be described as the balanced and constructive relationship between two basic ways of how our minds: the active and receptive.
While the active mind is engaged in the intellectual processing of information reaching the brain (reason, imagine, organizes all the data to shape knowledge and put it into action), the receptive mind remains attentive and responsive to grasp new information. This means that a part of our mind is continually open to capture the deeper aspects of the information in the external and internal world, and part is linked to the orderly development of the resulting insights and experience translation of the latter in shares and wills.
Then, the two qualities of our mind (rational and sensible-intuitive) are equally essential for a healthy and facilitator of the general welfare of the individual. If one of them has more importance over the other, there is a dynamic imbalance can produce different effects, depending on each case. Including the known stress, body aches and muscle contractures varied, somatization as asthma, allergies, also phobias or panic, depression, emotional imbalances and mental disorders which can lead to disorientation of identity . If
and science has proven that through meditation even reach the integrated functioning of our minds complementary (cerebral hemispheres), then they are really many benefits that we can ensure, in particular, because it is a simple method is available to everyone, including their economic requirements.
Two authors who have dedicated themselves to research and practice of various meditative techniques proposed over the years, Joel Levey and Michelle Levey, consider that there are three major objectives achieved through this way: Discovering and transforming
habits limiting or negative mind
enhance our natural abilities for creative intelligence, inner wisdom
compassion and become bridges for others benefit from the release of positive potential and our own well-being, achieved with disciplined practice.

If we talk about the technical aspects of meditation, it is necessary to clarify that any form has always chosen a slogan in common with the other options: to focus attention again and again in the focus or purpose proposed by the technique is practice, even when the mind is distracted again and again. For example, if we are focusing on our breath try to turn our focus to it as many times as our internal conversation leads dispersion. Es esperable que aparezcan pensamientos, preguntas, sensaciones corporales y críticas que nos lleven a desatender la respiración en ese intento. Cuando esto sucede, simplemente soltaremos esos distractores con la mayor naturalidad posible, amorosamente tratando de aceptar que esto es parte del mismo proceso. Que esto es algo que nos puede pasar y que, seguramente, nos pasará.
No hay calificaciones ni exigencias en este terreno. No se trata de meditar bien o mal. Quien se inicia en esta práctica suele creer (desde su mente racional-crítica) que hay un modo correcto de meditar y parte de sus distracciones tienen que ver con las inseguridades que siente cuando se plantea internamente si está haciendo lo que el guía o instructor espera to do or when asked mentally while doing it, if it is done correctly.
This is also part of the process since it is a world that the person is beginning to discover, in a way that is daring to move and because it reaches this stage mostly planted in the functioning of your mind active due to cultural conditioning , educational and historical have been reinforcing the rational use of his active mind to the detriment of sensible and intuitive operation of his receptive mind.
And this imbalance is precisely what the consistent practice of meditation will help re-balance giving the benefits listed above.
addition, with respect to our everyday life, meditation trains us to be focused on the present moment, more easily finding the solution of problems, increasing our understanding of ourselves and others, giving free rein to our sense of humor, gaining confidence to new projects, improving our emotional relationships, refine goals and giving a fuller sense of life.
In short, learning to meditate is to learn to stay present in the moment and training in the proper use of power we have to create health, longevity and a better way to live for the good of all.

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A renewable natural resource and innovative

is likely that at this point be asking: "What is creative visualization?" Well, creative visualization is a way of doing use our minds to achieve the results you want.
This is a technique that any human being can go, knowing, without any impediment.
Like any technology, proposes certain steps or procedures that are essential to its success. Although to tell the truth I should make clear that such requirements are, in particular, something really simple, " easy-renewal for those who have chosen to practice. None
personality trait or age or level of education received, or economic or personal conditions are an obstacle to using this resource and to be favored by its effects. It's just something that is fully available for everyone, always, by the mere fact of being a "Human Being" and as such, have the innate ability to observe oneself (self) and be free to conduct their own thoughts and imaginings (autonomy of action.)

Creative visualization is the method that helps us to narrow your focus and reach of our imagination, consciously and directly, "dreams" we have.
Life is, in itself, a force that constantly sets the manifestation of something new, renewed, unpublished, original ... creative. Looking at a floor and follow the path of life that she is showing we can see, no doubt, that there is a continuous movement toward something different. First there is a seed, then its buds appear until it has enough development to become, for example, a tree that will bear flowers and then later paid off ... and then let go of its fruit and leaves ... and continue to generate more life successive cycles never repeat identically.
Something similar occurs with our physical body from which we are conceived until we grow old. Moreover, if we run the aesthetic aspect also found that subtle aspects of our biological body is never the same. It happens all the cells of different organs and functional systems (except, for now, the brain) are renewed periodically without us account and it follows that we live in a constant process of change because that is our real nature.
So why should not we believe that the same might happen in terms of our thoughts? We are able to renew
mentally because that is part of the life experience of every human being without exception. We are able to create all the time a clear representation of what we want, feel or do, a new job, a couple, more joy, ease to resolve situations or facing challenges, a better economic position, etc.etc.etc.
And when we do appear complications, setbacks and stagnation in the pace of our evolution.
If, however, we are dedicated to the renewal of a lucid, orderly and law (Three essential steps of this technique) then shorten the time that new and better results are converted into something concrete for us.

In this game where it deploys our "creative spirit" is essential to detect those representations of ideas, images and sensations that have been actively stored as unconscious mental patterns. Why would we do this? Because one of the laws governing principle of life is the Law of Correspondence, which has been translated and disseminated as "you reap what you sow." If we continue with our example of the tree, is a truism that if you plant orange seeds that are going to harvest oranges, right?
So if we listen to our ideas we can choose those that really match what we want harvest as a result.
If we feel sure will be necessary to verify that the mental representation containing the same image. It happens that sometimes, the mental seed is so hidden from the consciousness that the person strikes, again and again, with frustration at failing to achieve its objective and fails to realize the contradiction between what he has sown in his world of thoughts and what he expects to harvest in your life. It's like having planted thistles (I repeat, many times without realizing it) and want to reap wonderful margaritas.
This is where creative visualization becomes a useful tool for updating our old mental programs. I love
phrase Shakti Gawain, a pioneer in the global expansion of "conscious movement" when referring to this resource:
"Creative visualization is a way to unlock the barriers that we ourselves have set the course of the universe, is harmonious, gracious and bountiful nature. Only truly effective when used in accordance with our highest goals and objectives ... for the greater good of all. "
I would add that only when we intend to welfare, health, harmony, creation and the manifestation of all what connects us with the Light and Love ... only there calibrated in the Essence of Life, in capital letters.
If not, any dark intention has its negative return. Everything you try to create the detriment of the other becomes inevitable, the law of "reap what you sow", against oneself. And nobody has the obligation to suffering. This is just one of the endless options that you can choose from our free will. The more frequent
is our practice of visualization to create harmony and well-being, the greater the flow of love that comes to us to transform our lives into something approaching the sacred ... deep understanding of what life truly ES.
If you feel the urge to start this wonderful practice, I'm sure this statement will serve you well. You can think of it as many times as you feel like and try to take the opportunity to see what happens in your personal world and relationships.


And if, after this, its intention is maintained in this way will help a lot, remember that:
The possibility to choose the good / the positive is always in your hands.
capacity create, is in his mind.
Creative visualization is an inexhaustible resource which has to renew his life really easy.

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Reconnecting with the

Reconnecting with the love through Reiki practice

all, once we had the opportunity to feel this inexplicable force that connects us with deep feeling welfare, harmony and fulfillment. We may have occurred by looking at the face of a baby as he slept peacefully, observing a dawn to hug a loved one, to find a highlight in the eyes of someone or to experience the blessing of what science calls a "miracle."
This presence which is so complex to explain, is what we are in essence, a permanent manifestation of energy flow we have learned to call LOVE. We are also part of a universal energy field that responds to a Supreme Intelligence, which has been known through history as God - All - Mind or Higher Consciousness.
why it is said that Reiki practice puts us in conscious contact with the divine spark that exists in every one of us and our atoms and cells, restoring the natural functioning of our entire physical body. Moreover, synchronized action allows us to complete our personal energy dynamics of universal intelligence.
Therefore, "Reiki" is the name given to a simple, straightforward and profound system of Natural Healing and Self-Healing to balance Mind, Body and Emotions. And to enhance innate and improve outcomes in different areas, raising the quality of our lives.
Modern physics has shown that, beyond the level of particles of dense matter, energy exists everywhere: in the air we breathe, water, sunlight, on apparently inanimate objects, animals and plants, etc.
The term comes from the Japanese language can be translated as "Universal Life Energy" in honor of the fact that THE VITAL ENERGY IS THE BASIS OF ANY POWER OF LIFE as a "food cosmic responsible for maintaining the cycles of birth, transformation and death of all that exists.
Reiki helps us to realize a fundamental truth again forgotten by man: We are all natural channels through which this supply flows continuously, thanks to him our body renews and sustains us alive and through it we can recover our health, beauty and youth.
Therefore, any manifestation of physical illness, lack of strength or desire to confront the tasks or relationships, a sense of emptiness, anxiety, fears, recurring ideas, among others, are a clear sign that disconnect has occurred on our energy source, and we have not found a way to restore it properly. To plot it in some way, it would be like a 100 w bulb shining finish as a 25 w with the risk of shutting down permanently.
Reiki helps us to repair, change, clarify all these messages, "symptomatic" and thus constitutes a tool that gives us our way of Evolution to the Light that we are in essence.
We can make conscious contact with this energy through various techniques: prayer, meditation, visualization, conscious breathing, as well as Reiki.
The Light that is the fabric of life can be, then, consciously channeled by man and applied through the laying on of hands at the first level and distance (at the other levels) to facilitate and promote healing (one himself or others) of physical disorders, emotional and mental, as well as the recovery of the intuitive capacity and development spiritual. Crowning
note today, I got them a poetic (though no less true) description of this system rebalancing and self-healing energy to meditating on the doors are open it back to the true reality of Being

"The Power of Love clarifies our thoughts, our emotions calm, reduces stress, relieves the body, joy fills our hearts, gives energy that is resistance, and removes all emotional states are the cause of many health problems. We experience this healthy flow of love when we allow love to flow from our heart and soul to others. This technique is, indeed, the science of love. Learn to love her without identifying the problems and personalities of others.
Our love will light a man to help him find his way. Our love will be sweet music that will appeal to the best that man has within himself. "(Torkom Saraydarian)

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The Power of Meditation Pregnancy quantum vision world (the new paradigm of science), has demonstrated the real dynamic relationship between everything that exists in the universe. This means that we are in continuous exchange energy and information with the rest of the stocks, among which are our children, even in the prenatal state.
as beings born of a Supreme Intelligence (often called God) carries a natural power to create. There are no limits to this. When we become aware of our inner intelligence and allow ourselves to experience their true effect of creating a true miracle for us and in our everyday world.
The force that connects us and gives us either with other people, nature or the cosmos, is the same impulse that leads us also to desire and realize the conception and birth of a child. We are talking of love
Perhaps, among all possible manifestations Love, which run more risks to go unnoticed is the love of parents for the child is still in the womb. However, in this period which should be installed bases of adequate interaction so that the link be truly empowering for both parties.
prenatal communication is very intense because of the interconnection of energy and information that we mentioned at the beginning. And is done primarily through psychic transmissions (emotional and mental) and intuitive. While the baby in the womb of the mother is much more closely linked to everything that she happens during pregnancy and childbirth, the presence father is also the condition (flattering or limiting emotional and spiritual development) and complementary to the construction of these bases for mutual growth.
Following a universal and immutable law that says that "The Universe is Mental", we place our creative power in our thoughts. The practice of meditation and the Views helps to realize the creative power in our mind, to define the type of thoughts consistent with the results we want to express and hasten its manifestation in each case.
mental images are real dynamic forces that can be highly positive or strongly negative and hindering the harmony, welfare and personal and collective evolution.
is common during pregnancy wake up unconscious fears (eg, disease or birth of the baby, fear of dying in childbirth, not to be good parents, not having enough resources to feed the child, etc..), Automatic negative mental and cultural biases that need to deprogram for this information and this kind of energy vibration do not contaminate the bond with the baby and affect the further development of his personality.
is important to clarify that while very enjoyable and productive special conditions to acclimate to generate a session of meditation, the practice itself does not require mandatory relaxation very deep or the classic lotus position but something very adaptable to any time or circumstance in the daily life of the pregnant partner. It is noteworthy that the effectiveness of this technique is accelerated by the disciplined use of conscious breathing.
also enriching the fact afford the internal working space to nurture and strengthen the relationship linking the couple.
The presence of both parents, this practice opens a direct communication channel with the energy of that child, though not yet born,
already exists and can also receive and impart information, taking an active role in building the emotional bond with their parents.
As we said that Love is the force that moves us toward our own miracles, voluntarily holding positive thoughts and images in our minds create a protective energy field, container, beneficial and facilitator of good things around us and about our children and other loved ones. What better to offer this particular manifestation of love as the first welcome to the unborn child and needs the warmth of the womb to feel protected!
And to start this practice will share this beautiful thought of Eileen Cady: "See the positive in everything and you'll be surrounded by the best, because they attract all to you, as does the magnet to steel. "

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

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esteem in the light of positive thinking " estimate "means valuing, judging, guessing, appreciate. So when we say "self" we are referring to the assessment and our concept of ourselves. Depending
these references, will be our real chance to enjoy life feeling at ease in their own living.
Because only becomes real to us, that we focus the attention of our mind.
is good practice to enlarge Periodically, our focus of attention because he only represents a limited cut total reality. This is what might be called "Ego."
The same happens when we try to shoot something. If we stop static in a single lens, the film would be almost a freeze monotonous and unproductive because we would always showing the same look and our knowledge would be reduced to it. We would be wasting the function for which it was created: to capture the diversity and reflect the truth of what it is.
Our mind has been created by a dynamic design and unlimited. It means, first, that can only function properly if we renew the records and images from his memory. And, secondly, that the options that we choose are always infinite. Therefore, if there is something that resonates negative ourselves, we know that we have permanently at our disposal a wide range of ideas, positive images and concepts that can immediately replace the clear benefit of self assessment.
There is no secret that this truth: We are free to believe what we choose to think at all times. Nobody forces us to believe the worst about ourselves. We are not doomed to suffer from low self-esteem. We are free to choose the profile of what we see, think, feel, do and be.
in any event, the challenge is to adopt a strong mental position clearly and constructively to put into action all the available potential and feel that life is a puzzle game by which we mature our emotions and opening new paths of positive accomplishment. We usually think
repeatedly: "I can not more ..." "This situation is killing me ..." "I do not know what happens ..." "I always get everything wrong" "life makes me more and more heavy ..." "I find it hard to forgive ... "" I feel guilty for not knowing how to help ... "etc. All these thoughts
include a central idea:" I do not think able to ... "true representative of insufficient personal rating or low self-esteem.
The recipe for success is simple and consists in transforming the basic thinking pessimistic look into its opposite: "I am able to ...", as our examples: "... resolve this situation" "I know that happens ..." "... I things go well "... live life with joy and ease" to forgive ... "" ... know to help others ", etc..
I am proposing to remember that you have, permanently, at your fingertips the power to choose a loving and successful treatment with you.
A decree yielder in the fruit that I suggest you practice every day: "LOVE ME, PASS ME AND ACCEPT ME AS I AM BECAUSE I AM AND ONLY MANIFEST DIVINE PERFECTION." Choose
loving thought is always transcend the limitations of your ego to reach the reality of your true self, living in the light of your essence and create you extra-ordinary results for the good of all. Om Shanti Om.

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Talking of other lives we lead, in principle, to an ancient belief found in many cultures in history: The Re-incarnation, but is relatively new to science the check of this phenomenon through bioenergetic studies.
Many researchers use a process of "mind awake / body asleep" that could be called in different ways: induction, consciousness, hypnosis or deep relaxation.
In all cases it is paving the way to the deepest impressions / primitive memory banks. This is possible because the inner mind resembles a large library where all knowledge is stored and available for use. Contact with other lives can also be referred to as a "journey through time" or "exploration of the soul" and helps us learn more about the nature of man, the meaning of death and continuity of life.
It is an accepted practice by the humanistic approach of transpersonal psychology as a science, which creates the conditions for the awakening of consciousness of what we truly are, beyond the individual-physical and rational.
helps us in all cases, to explore and operate the large percentage of the brain that says science is not used by humans, yet. To release the dormant potential or unknown to regain the ability to live more fully and in harmony with our deeper essence. When useful
such personal work? When we need free of discomfort, dissatisfaction, uncertainty or failure in which we feel "trapped with no exit and when we repeat certain conditions, results and styles of relationships that we did not understand and generally do us harm, limit or confused.
also seeking new horizons in our knowledge and deep understanding of life, of who we are and where we are often the pop-up that leads us to go through this kind of proposal.
But the vast majority of people are attracted to make contact with their other lives are torn between yes and no because of their fears and prejudices about what might happen to them an experience of that type.
is natural that this happens because of the same inexperience, lack of adequate information and, above all, to the cultural conditions and educational and family have received over the current life.
We have long been under the influence of a culture that overestimated the importance of the rational mind, intellect and logic verification of all phenomena. So, with that context, it is not uncommon to see resistance from the place of our human constitution to a type of phenomenon that is associated with other dimensions of being. This is what I call "sound interference." The most frequently
Play in practice are:

Fear of losing consciousness, never find out what happens during the experience
Fear of losing freedom and fall under the influence of the expert or professional.
Fear of losing control of himself and burst into an uncontrollable crisis of nerves, tears and suffering. Fear
find very negative aspects of oneself that cause rejection, anger or self pity. Fear
discover positive aspects or conditions which may not be matched or surpassed by the life (sense of grandeur lost on the social, economic, familial or personal)
Fear of not being able to "do something" ...
Fear of "rave", inventing wild and implausible stories, usually expressed as follows: "and how do I know if I'll see you?" ... "How do I know if this is happening to me is not a delusion?"

If sounds familiar to any of this, there is no reason for despair. The reality is that this is a true holistic healing experience, that beyond all prejudice, helps us to create a resonance higher body-mind and spirit in the magical unity of our consciousness. She encouraged us to ensure that risks are illusory and that benefits are safe.

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celebrate the Sacred Union Mind Reality
These days it is increasingly accepted as fact the idea that our mind is the one who creates reality live on the earth plane. Since last October 17 has initiated a new process for the planet: a pulsating beam ultraviolet (UV), radiating from higher dimensions of the universe begins to descend to magnify our thoughts and emotions, giving us a great opportunity for " Awakening of Unconditional Love our potential asleep.
This cosmic wave work especially until 2012 as a magnifying glass and an accelerator of the realization of our thoughts, reason enough to be attentive and clear our minds of all gloom and limited so as not to rush into negative or adverse situations in our lives or on Earth.
The task of adjustment is simple and is always in our free will try to do with respect or believe it is something insignificant and void. Recognize the direct relationship between the use of our mind and the deployment of our creative power is the first step to celebrate a time of profound transformation and connection to our sacred essence. Who is willing
tested, will witness the clear and immediate results of this particular marriage.
The following guidelines are useful to start this challenge:
First of all, made the intention of being a patient and neutral observer of what happens in one's mind and heart. In other words, be willing to simply "catch" the information without making judgments of opinion about what you are.
Then ask: "This is what I really want for me?"
v If the answer is "NO": Release everything that is inappropriate for the desired results, saying: "I give up .... (Distress, anxiety Fear of failure, insecurity, pessimism, illness, etc..) and declare that from now I do not belong anymore. "
v If the answer is "YES": Extending the intent by listing the things, things, projects, feelings, relationships and situations you want to achieve for personal gain. To strengthen this item is desirable to use positive decrees (Soon we will discuss the proper way to formulate)
Consider aspects for the common good of the planet such as the Peace, Harmony, Beauty, Order and Light. Project
positive thoughts for others in all circumstances, even to those not familiar or "inconsistent" with oneself. In Sanskrit the word "Namaste" enables us to other beings transcending the apparent differences and so we return to remember that we are all part of the same essence. His translation is: "The Light in me greets and honors the Light in You." In this way we open our conscious mind to the possibility of love without conditions to manifest without barriers, what are verdadermante: divine beings in the service of Good.
thank the Universe for the gifts received and for those to come.

you choose to give you permission to use the considerable power that resides in the free use of your mind and that these suggestions provide your steps towards the creation Your best reality.

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Meditation Practice: The journey back to self What is Meditation? A method practiced for centuries by eastern and western cultures, in order to achieve the correct balance between human beings need to live well and feeling full.
In the seventeenth century, the Greek philosopher Plato proposed in his teachings, that to maintain a healthy body was essential to heal the mind first.
One of the basic techniques used in meditation practice, observing the breath, was transmitted orally by the great spiritual teacher Buddha, circa 500 BC
Now, if we look in more detail the history of this practice we can see that even though there are countless philosophies for the various cultures and different spiritual concepts of all time,
meditative experience THE REAL ONE IS ALWAYS.
More recently, Albert Einstein said: "Every human being is part of a whole called" universe "... We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest ... this is a kind of optical delusion consciousness ... that becomes our prison. Our task must be to free ourselves from this delusion by widening our circle, including all living creatures and nature in all its beauty ... If we want the human race to survive, we must substantially adopt a new way of thinking. "
No doubt we can find in meditation a bridge that allows us to make the trip back to our essence: the experience of the Integrated.
We are part of a whole and at the same time we are each a whole ... until they give us the opportunity to experience thereby generating and will continue to suffer discomfort, suffering, illness, stress, contradictions and confusion that often have led to the horror of war and the ecological disaster known.
At the precise moment when the body-emotions-mind and spirit of solidarity work as part of a team, begin to manifest in man higher levels of vitality, health, wholeness, joy, success, clarity, security, harmony and love that necessarily transferred to the environment as a common good.
, who for some reason have been unbalanced in its dynamics. (Soon we will deal with these techniques and their benefits)
It is generally believed that meditation is a forced attempt to "keep your mind blank" as if the thought was a presence that undermines the achievement of wellbeing.
This is half true. It is true that it is negative thoughts do not help the person feel good but it is also true that if we focus our attention on good thoughts and positive images is much to be gained for oneself and others. And I think some of that Einstein meant when he stated, for the survival of the human race, the substantial need "to adopt a new way of thinking."
So meditation is a journey that teaches us to train our focus on stimuli that facilitate access to mental peace, emotional calm, problem-solving effectiveness, and reach the optimism / kindness to use the power we have firmly and creativity that are benefiting all-in-itself and favoring in parallel, the unit that make up the rest of the universe. Because that is our true nature.
meditative practice is the highway through which we can gain speed in learning to be more present in the here and now, that is, to at all times be more aware of our attitudes, thoughts, feelings, expectations, actions, decisions and / or actions because that is where we can only exercise this power to transform and begin to break the deadlock and unhappiness.
This trip has a very specific scale: the surprise at the re-encounter with an inexhaustible creative power, healing and liberating it is always within reach of the self, which is part of the essence.
Transitar this way has never turning back. Once the journey, the promise of the best man constantly renews and expands without limits their ability to live in harmony, creating, for their world, an abundance of everything good.
Indispensable to reach the destination in this magical journey to renew the desire to keep adding knowledge about the method and update the will to apply them every day (without effort but with some discipline) to integrate gradually into a new and better quality of life.

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- Part 1

create the good habit of positive thinking?
To understand clearly the relationship between our thoughts and our results it is interesting to perform the following exercise:
1 - Identify an area in your life where you think you do well
2 - Identify one aspect of your life you feel like a failure
Then, go to the mental images, beliefs or ideas you hold in both cases. You'll soon reach the conclusion that, on the one hand, the contents are mostly upbeat and positive, and on the other hand, lack this quality.
The reality is that "we become what we think," "we are the concrete manifestation of our deepest beliefs" and "our results are the same size as that of our ideas."
If we are selfish to think of our wins, he will have little success in our lives. On the contrary, if we imagine the good and positive generously to us then we will find, more easily, prosperity along our path. Master
Saint Germain says: "When the student understands that in which he connects his attention is adhered to, that becomes in itself or (in other words) he becomes that which concentrates in all the intensity that he used, you see the importance of keeping your attention away from all destructive in human experience. "
Hence the basic rule, this topic could be formulated as follows:
IN THE FIELD OF MENTAL POWER, THAT IN OUR THOUGHT THAT FOCUSES AND RECORDS (consciously or unconsciously) INCREASE AND MULTIPLY creating reality that inevitably will have to live.
Consequently, our words, our speech and our whole internal conversation reflect the type of thoughts that have been active in our minds.
Want to check it once more? Grab a paper and pencil and write the first thing that arises with the question: "how I identify more sentences?", "What words could describe the most characteristic aspects of my personality?", "How I usually qualify results? ". Re-read the beginning of this paper and establishes the relationship between your dominant thoughts and quality of your life.
If you arrive at the conviction that your life could be better, then you may consider to improve your thoughts right now. Give yourself permission to think positive and choose best ideas are going to burn in your mind because they are driving success for you.
conditions for installing this habit:
a) Pay special attention to how "we wrote" our thoughts. In this case it is to avoid starting the sentence with the word "NO" eg "I'm not afraid to ..." "I hate being sick / or each time ...." It is wise to replace this mode of expression, following the examples: "I want to feel secure or to ..." and "I want good health or decree for me always." This brings us to the next point.
b) Check that the image you are choosing truly expresses what is desired and not what is to be avoided. If, for example, felt rejected by excess weight reinforce the idea of \u200b\u200b"hate being fat or" will only perpetuate that condition. Instead, ask: "What is what I'm really trying to say?", "What is my true goal?" Us out of the dilemma. Here would be: "I like to look thinner". It happens often, not realizing that we appoint what is good / good for us and we adhere to a fight with what we dislike or limits; fight ends up becoming a "magnet unproductive over the same."
c) Finally, combining the idea in the present tense because that is where we lived continuously and where the energy has the power to manifest. Both the past and the future represent "absence." If we think the "forward" (ie I'll get a better job ... I will make more money ... etc. ") Energy also moves forward omitting their full performance in the present moment. Therefore, as the order is for another time the current result is the realization of loss. Therefore it is important to remember that the future is a direct result of this, ie according to the type of ideas we sow here and now in our mental archives of the future will be the quality that we "touch" live.

With these three lines of observation and training can begin debugging your circuit of thoughts and if you add continuity to your attempts to see how quickly begin to change many things in you and in your life.
At our next meeting will continue to present technical details to keep you easily create your best reality.
Infinite blessings of Universal Love.

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The Power of Decree

In the first part of this paper I have argued that the reality is that "we become what we think" that "we are the concrete manifestation of our deepest beliefs "and that" our results are the same size as that of our ideas. "
Therefore, if we pay more attention to how we are thinking about relationships, situations, life and even to ourselves we can see what ideas and beliefs we are playing against, and improve immediately. Only in
this time we are more prepared to understand more deeply how our minds. Today we can accept less resistance to the existence of so-called Universal or Cosmic Law as irrefutable truths.
One is the Mental Act is the fact that everything comes to life in the physical dimension-external-visible is generated from the mental (or world of ideas).
No thought is without effect. If we could see them, see their forms and their consequences in advance, we are horrified by the inappropriate use we make of this power tool operator and would like to transform immediately.
Every time we think something, a part of our current energy is active and linked to the fulfillment of that creation. If, until now, have not been very aware of the type of thought forms that are heading towards that much of our energy increase significantly the chances of creating something limited to ourselves and to others.
The key to making optimum use of this Act is to focus our will in the positive decrees without limits, the good and the benefactor (the construction). Be present there will be spontaneous and easily disappear from our mental programming fears (delusions and limitations), the uncertainties (contradictory thoughts, fighting) and pessimism (thinking negative and failure). Otherwise, we will be adding our assets Karma existential negative.
decree is not praying. The use of decree differs from the practice of prayer are statements that clear, precise and decisive. Instead sentences are more lenient and involve a greater margin of waiting. When we assert the infallible decree realization of mind as when we pray we have uncertainty about their implementation. This, in turn, feeds the feeling of helplessness, insecurity, anxiety and / or impotence.
This responds to where we decide to place the creative power and as the range of consciousness we have at the time of qualifying energy. In the case of prayers, the definition is an external God, who lives in heaven, almost alien to the individual. Therefore, it makes a request to recognize a limited personal liability in the process of creating the desired results. We appeal to the kindness and good will of that God for the miracle.
In contrast, the use of decrees from the beginning we are recognizing that active creator god manifesting through us ... each of us is that God and the power of expression is at your own risk with total conviction effectiveness of that power. Here is an example
While in prayer we say: "I pray for the restoration of my health ... "the wording of the decree would deal with:" I am creating and manifesting perfect health throughout my body, here and now. Thank you that indeed it is! ".
As shown, the decree is:
REACH 2 * recognizing the divine creator in yourself with the key grammatical "I AM "
3 * clearly specifying when that is, there is the realization at the present time and is drawn as if they were happening. For this reason is also
4 * is thanked for "anticipated" as close to the formula. That appreciation is precisely the gesture of trust that deserves the victory. This point leads to another Cosmic Law (which is the subject of this note) called "Law of Giving and Receiving." We'll have a chance to talk about it.

To continue training you in this practice, I suggest some decrees to have in your "mental first aid kit." You'll quickly see its good effects:
- For clarity and understanding: "I AM A / O IN THE LIGHT AND THE LOVE OF MY MASTER INTERIOR, ALWAYS."

That you'll keep writing the best decrees of Love, Harmony and Prosperity in the books of your mind to experience the joy of being the manifestation of God, here in the Tierra.Om Shanti.