Time is measured from two objective facts: what it takes to turn the Earth around the Sun, combined with what turns on itself. Years and days necessarily arise from nature, while the weeks and months have the cultural imprint, with a distant hint of moon. However, the relationship between the two magnitudes objective is complex and that both movements are not a whole relationship. To put it in numbers, the Earth turns around Phoebe 365 days and coins. A kind of annoying other for centuries astronomers confused the precarious instruments that sought to wrest his secrets to heaven.
The first solution to this issue was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe time of Julius Caesar. The Roman town of practicality foolproof, they decided to add one day every four years, inventing the leap. A great idea, but somehow improvised, which left some crumbs scattered time. These wastes, imperceptible at first, were taking shape and consistency, and many years later became a problem. The accumulated time silently discarded and he had his revenge, which teaches that one should be cautious about the supposed insignificance of a second.
Gregory XIII who was a bold stroke of hand put the accounts in order. With a violent maneuver started ten days time, lost in the nothingness. Those who went to sleep on 4 October 1582 woke up the next day on 15 March. The correction made by the Pope also proposed the elimination of leap years in multiples of 100, except those that were also multiples of 400. However, this correction was insufficient, because every 3300 years the flood of seconds forgotten processed in one day.

always was a little upset this untidiness of God, the Creator makes a mathematical inaccurate. A quality that is reflected in all of nature, rebel against the entire amount. All who have ever gotten into the intricate maze of golden proportions, know what I mean. God makes the Pythagorean harmonies seem a grocer accounts.
However, when I think of it, I realize a hidden message that is part of this apparent inaccuracy. No doubt the universe reduced to integer quantities would have been too easy to tame. Creation had been too well at the mercy of our intelligence, much to the hand. These amounts spurious become unmanageable over time, basically reflect a healthy distance between the infinity of God and our limited happen. Contemplative time I go into those endless series of numbers that refuse to be encapsulated by man. Perhaps these subtle threads of time are loose threads from which God mysteriously manages history, without therefore condition our freedom.
A God that is expressed in whole numbers would, ultimately, a human God, all too human.
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