Monday, December 13, 2010

Can Radiators Adjust Temp

What I read in 2010

23) Aesthetics and history in the visual arts of Bernard BERENSON

22) Come if you save a painting of Matteo MARANGONI

21) emancipated viewer of Jacques Rancière

20) modern art theory of Paul KLEE

19) on style. Three unpublished trials of Erwin Panofsky

18) Painting. The concept diagram Of Gilles Deleuze

17) social sense of taste. Elements for a sociology of culture of Pierre Bourdieu


16) Macbeth of William Shakespeare

15) The philosophy and mud history of José Pablo Feinmann

14) Don Juan of MOLIERE

13) Non-Places . Spaces of anonymity. An anthropology of overmodernity of Marc Auge

12) The Renaissance of Paul Johnson

11) Juan Domingo of José Ignacio García Hamilton

10) Viaggio in Italia of JW Goethe

9) Works of St. Augustine , XIa, Letters (2 º)

8) The western city of José Luis ROMERO

7) The fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason of Arthur Schopenhauer

6) The impossible journey, Tourism and images , by Marc Auge

5) Hamlet in William Shakespeare

4) The silk fan of Lisa SEE

3 ) The Time-Image, Film Studies 2 of Gilles Deleuze

2) The Movement-Image, Film Studies 1 of Gilles Deleuze

1) Shakespeare our contemporary of Jan Kott


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