Secret State EO 69202 1367893
DECL 93 / 45 / 73459
Subject. (C / NF) Judea: John / Herod Antipas
Dynamics interpersonal (C-AL4-0468932)
Classified by Philo, Director. INR / OPS Reason 2.6 (C) Before 5 days
Date Kalends iunius 783 AUC.
1. (S / NF)
on the character of John.
John is a hard man, those that draw straight lines, the enemy of valleys and ravines. Someone you might call a fundamentalist. Enjoys enormous moral prestige based primarily on their personal virtues asceticism and unquestionable. His image also has epic characteristics: high lobster and camel rags together his followers on the shores of the desert where invites further purification rites. Hence derived the name by which it is also called "Baptist" A powerful
not restless, in principle, Israel is accustomed to the prophets. It is thought better to release them because somehow the action tends to contain the people and keep your spirit. However, the attack has become unbearable Juan in recent times, even for the most tolerant. There have been accusations and diatribes directly aimed at the constituted authorities. These are times of delicate political balance, postures that are unsuitable for the tension to invite the spirits.
2. (S / NF)
On the prison.
The boldness of John ended his prison, which for some was a destination in any way desired. The path of the complaint will normally be a dead end and sometimes conceal their sterility jail says. On the other hand, the danger of John was on, as often happens in the absence of structure. It is also noteworthy that more violent than was his message, never expressed a personal political. I am informed, his speech is in this respect vague, leading him as a predecessor of another figure who will come to occupy a more important place. This other personality nothing is said to identify it and even doubt their actual existence. It may be a recurrence of vague messianic longing, always present among the Jews.

day I am informed that the strength of Machaerous, where John is in prison, take place smoothly. Even Herod lost that mind has allowed the defendant some liberties. However, that benevolence may at any time to change to cruelty, such is the flimsy nature of the sovereign, which I have already referred in my previous posts. Some of his followers have been allowed to visit him, which shows how little fear that they inspire.
3. (S / NF) Other.
In these days I have received disturbing reports of another presence in the Galilee area. It is this time of a carpenter from Nazareth, who apparently performed healings and preaching the Good News, content is still quite uncertain. While some have attempted to link this new character with Juan, which would tie in even a blood relation, the differences between them are evident. Apparently, some messengers of John had met with him, but that game does not seem to have emerged some understanding.
In a few days I will have chance to visit Machaerous, as I have been invited to a reception for the birthday of Herod Antipas. I have there chance to obtain some first hand information about what happens there and take the pulse of the situation. Will be invited all members of the court and the royal family.
(U) Please Quote C-AL4_0495843 in the subject line of reporting of above in response to questions.
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