of cyclical People from different from those which are provided as well as those who once stood. share with us a road trip, but dissimilar circumstances disappear, to suddenly loom later and followed by another stretch of existence, as if they never left. Syncopated presences that make their inconstancy a link. This is the case with my old and new, regarding the 10. A line well marked by the discontinuity of the flow, which requires long absences to drown in despair after a riot of green cars.
I have of my childhood memories of several trips to Avellaneda, on Sundays from noon desert and fate of "Double visor." The journey that started empty the Plaza Las Heras was populated by red flags went over the course of the stops, to make the group in an unexpected branch of hell. A tin Hades, who crossed the unmistakable perfume of a creek that the bridge was too wide invisible.

Later in my high school years, a sudden change my habits changed. I left the path and back seats, which was my route dogged for more than a decade, and there was the 10 waiting to start a new coming and going in the opposite direction. When I was down in a city crowded with office workers crowded briefcase hurried. A hectic city that I knew existed, but, I realized I barely knew. During the later years el 10 fue la balsa con la que cruzaba la 9 de julio, ese río desmesurado que separa la ciudad en márgenes distantes.
También en esos años me aproveché de los servicios de un pariente cercano suyo, el 17. Lo esperaba enamorado y de noche, para cubrir la corta distancia que separaba la casa de mi ahora mujer, de la mía, mientras miraba la eterna vidriera de una librería, cuyos libros nunca se cambiaban. La hermandad de estos colectivos se remonta hasta un lejano ancestro tranvía y su actualidad se desarrolla en recorridos prácticamente paralelos, dignos de ser relatados por Plutarco. Sin embargo, algunas diferencias lo separan más allá de su aspecto idéntico. Cómo esos gemelos que se van distinguiendo over the years, both lines express their differences in details, at first imperceptible.

The apparent greater prestige of 17 gives it the start full of future lawyers, to be certified in addition to the name appearing presumptuous on the windshield: Recoleta. On 10, however, begins with the vague description of Palermo, but I think that years ago his forehead reading "Zoo", which gave him an exotic profile life. They stopped the car on Avenida Sarmiento, while behind the gate giraffes indiscreet conversations listened to the drivers. You could then dream on the green from his side ever stays on the blade of a lion's mane of dark hair or a happy chimp. A tiny reminder of Africa then missed shooting in Buenos Aires. However, both lines, 10 and that of 17, have a wild finish in the south of Wilde. Metaphor for the relentless life saved for every one the same fate, with little regard to the origin. Today
removals and other erratic movement changes our way again I have come to the banks where it passes the 10. Again I take it as one who takes a relationship that has forgotten why it was suspended. I hope so long as ever and his number on giant embroidered on one side seems to declaim ironic perfection. But at this stage of the tour and we both know that this is unattainable.
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