Saturday, November 20, 2010

Where Can You Get Zinc In Pokemon Silver

ten years ago I decided to read Being and Time . was like climbing Everest T-shirt and sneakers. An impossible ordered to failure from the start, but against all odds, reached the top of its 470 pages of the edition of the Fund, hermetic Gaos translation. It was a summit empty, since it could not reach any horizon and I could not get too much of such an arduous journey. To say that I understood nothing is an understatement.

I consoled myself thinking that climbing is always a futile effort, it is in sum up then down. However, what has been fruitful and I hope to remain so, is the memory of that trip. The efforts tend to be valued posthumously. Over the years I have surrounded this mountain many times, accompanied by several guides who I have opened my eyes to that point where ever I went. Being able to say "I was there" was no doubt a source of pride and it was comforting to return to those pages carefully highlighted and sometimes rage against the severe limitations of my understanding.

first thing you experience with the reading of Heidegger is the density. Its consistency is like a thick soup whose flavor reject us, but we drink with the intuition that is nutritious. The difficulty of the language is a real headache for translators, who are still arguing over the choice of appropriate terms of its key term, Dasein . There remains the suspicion of whether all could not have said it more easily. If, as Ortega said, clarity is the courtesy of the philosopher, Heidegger is certainly a brat.

Once this first and not less difficult, we grow in the certainty of facing a substance of incomparable wealth. The text begins with the famous formal complaint of forgetfulness of Being We have forgotten the basics, Heidegger admonishes us, and we have lost forever. To seek the return must be moved no less than the subject enthroned by Descartes. The man and the world are no longer two opposing realities, but one single reality inextricably intertwined. As the mobiles of Calder, the man Heidegger llega al mundo como si sobre su cabeza llevara una de estas esculturas. El mundo está frente a él, pero conectado de manera que de algún modo reproduce sus movimientos, formando hombre y mundo una unidad tentacular.

Cómo el hombre se presenta ante este mundo que lo condiciona y al que él mismo condiciona es el desafío que enfrentamos. Cómo hacerlo sin caer en la trampa de la tecnología que pretende dominarlo y sin huir hacia una existencia inauténtica, sometidos a los mandatos del Uno. Cómo, en definitiva, aceptar nuestra finitud y nuestro destino de “ser para la muerte”.

La filosofía de Heidegger, al menos la del primero, porque hay varios sucesivos, nos sumerge in a sea of \u200b\u200bdangers from which emerge need an authentic life. A sea extremely rich in fish where many have been caught and will continue. The man who is from this experience is in its daunting task, but suffers from the dryness that offers all existentialism. The effort to live under his rule is similar to that required to undertake with their reading.

Heidegger's thought is perhaps the summit of what philosophy can achieve without the help of transcendence. Much, but at the same time, it is definitely not.


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